Thirk has deleted his blog...
Yes, you read correctly. The man who started off the F2P blog "craze" as it were has shut down his blog. I PM'd Thirk - aka Iaccidentallytwink on twinkinfo and he basically said too many people have created blogs and that he would rather not be another blog that people have to go visit.
Thirk has inspired many people to make F2P twinks and to also (Obviously) make blogs! Honestly, it kinda sucks that he deleted his blog but hey! We have to move on. I heard Warcraftnick has also started a blog and I think he plays a rogue... Not sure though.
So, to my one or two readers (Lol!). Go give every blog equal support:
And me ofc WOOOOOOO.
I honestly don't see why Thirk closed it. Just like Ihasfury said, aslong as we have one blog per class it will be fine! But w/e it's his choice =) Although he did say in a whisper to me that he will consider putting back up, but for now it stays down.