OK so this kinda caught me by surprise. HORDE ARE WINNING WARSONG! I mean occasionally we used to win a few but now we're winning almost every time. I've had 3 flawless games today along with 5 non flawless and only 2 losses. This is a new record.
So yeah that's good news, I guess people are starting to realise you need to cap flags to win wsg. Also congratz to the first warrior ever to beat me in damage - Nooberino, Arms warrior. It really is too bad you play Alliance dude.
Another thing, we need to start queuing for AB. In Ab we can out maneuver hunters a lot easier and it's generally a fun bg to play. I was talking to Ihasfury about it today and he was saying he's up for it. I wonder if we can get some premades going?
Seems a few people are queuing
I've only played one AB on my 20 and we lost so I'd like to get some wins! maybe even make it the main bg for level 20 twinks? That would be cool!
Assistant prof.
So I saw this guy in AB today with the assistant prof. Title. Cool. I did a bit of research and it seems it's NOT possible to get this title at level 20. This is suckish and I know I was disappointed by this...