So i've been stacking crit rating on my druid lately. IT'S AWESOME! Seriously, your dots hit for 60-70 each when they crit and I've got 21% or so crit chance. Not to mention my starsurge crits are pretty good as well. But seeing as I mostly try and kite most classes I only get a chance to use that when they're not very good. I haven't lost much health or mana by stacking crit so it's not that bad. If I ever go below 1000 health I'll be sure to change things around.
Sacrificing some hit for crit... Risky
If a player sees somebody with 990 health they will go for them over the guy with 1060 health. It's just what's done by most people. Especially rogues.
I had some nice games today, killed a few hunters cuz after all - That's what it's all about right?
Go in prowl and stand about a meter away from them, root them dot them and starsurge quickly. Travel form next to them whilst your dots tick away and put up a few rejuvs along the way. Don't even attempt to cast unless the hunter is an S keying keyboard turner. Try and trinket the scatter shot as much as possible.
What I've found fun to do if the hunter is a backpedaller is to get behind him and start back pedalling whilst spamming moonfire haha, always funny.
That's pretty much it,