Monday, 1 August 2011

Hello everyone, this is my first time blogging!


So this is my first time blogging so I'll be learning things every day. So here's the basic info about what this is gunna be, I play a balance druid on aerie peak US server, horde. Now you may be thinking, "What's so cool about a balance druid". Well nothing usually but this balance druid is a level 20 Free to play twink.

So a free to play twink is just a twink that is made on a Free to play or F2P account meaning no auction house, mailbox or anything, the gold cap is 10 gold, you can only level to 20 and once you are level 20 you are automatically put in xp off bg's.

I've been twinking since February 2005 only a few months after the game came out. The thing is, I didn't really know I was twinking at that point. I just stayed at 19 and wanted to see how much cool gear I got before leveling. I wasn't well known, I didn't have lucky fishing hat or boots and I certainly didn't know any other twinks.

It took a year or two before all the other twinks started appearing. They out geared me completely and I was thinking, hey these guys have better gear, WTF!! I started talking to Ryrith. He explained twinking to me and basically showed me what I was doing... Through him I met many other twinks and it was all good.

Long story short, I leveled my paladin for lulz and made a rogue called Whatislove. Ryrith showed me how to play a rogue and I was soon beating a lot of people on our server Bronzebeard EU.

So yeah that's how I got into twinking. I kinda gave up on it after cata hit but F2P got me excited so I decided to give it a whirl. I made a balance druid because I heard Hunters, rogues and paladins were all OP and every druid in the F2P scene seemed to be a feral or a resto...

So I will be writing about some cool things I do with my druid etc because... well just because.

Major lulz,
