Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Apology, Fishing, honor farming and MORE BALANCE DRUIDS!!!

First of all I would like to apologize to Parfait for thinking his 20 shaman twink was a 24 paladin. They have quite similar names =P don't /spit on the shaman, he's cool. Secondly I would like to apologize for not posting in a while! I've been really busy with work etc but I swear I'm gunna get a regular posting schedule sorted out. Once every 2 days maybe?

So I've been doing the fishing dailies lately with no luck on the weather beaten fishing hat. They come from the "Bag of Shiny Things" reward if anyone didn't know. 

No shiny's for me =(

To be honest I'm quite liking my hat at the moment but the 3 stam and 3 spirit will give me an excuse when people ask why I don't have the engi goggles. I do NOT want to farm engi but if it comes down to it I'm going to have to. 

Now to honor farming. I'm trying to farm the BoA PvP staff and to be quite honest it's going slowly, but I'm quite enjoying it. I've only got 1.2k honor because as previously stated I've been really busy but as soon as warsong is call to arms next I'll have it. All nighters coming up!

Ok so now onto the best bit, I've heard quite a few people talking about making balance druids! I love this!!! I'm even gunna create my own smiley face for it `_`  .... Fail on my part. Anyway It's pretty cool to see I've inspired people to make balance druids (I know that's the case with a few of them) and just wanted to say - love you guyzzz <3. 

More blogs coming soon along with a regular posting schedule! Hope you're looking forward to it,
